Saturday, June 18, 2016

The body of light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body associated with enlightenment.

"Temple of Living Light ★

The body of light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body associated with enlightenment. It is known by many names in different spiritual traditions, such as “the resurrection body” and “the glorified body” in Christianity, “the most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism, “the diamond body” in Taoism and Vajrayana, “the light body” or “rainbow body” in Tibetan Buddhism, “the body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga, and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is called “the resurrection body ” and “the glorified body.” The prophet Isaiah said, “The dead shall live, their bodies shall rise” (Isa. 26:19). St. Paul called it “the celestial body” or “spiritual body ” (soma pneumatikon) (I Corinthians 15:40)."
