Monday, December 27, 2021

Have Patience, Have Faith. There is No Time. It is about when the Frequency is Right.


A LOT is clearing and releasing Collectively, especially of the negative entity kind, so it is very important right now for everyone to watch and keep their boundaries in check and kick those gremlins to the curb.

This will appear in many different ways. One part is keeping our energy field squeaky clean and sovereign. 

Another part is how we interact with others

Entities, negative aliens and cabal/ illuminati are now being mass exiled and they’re not going without some kicking and clinging on for survival. There’s a lot happening behind the veil, which we will soon enough know of, but first we have to raise the Frequency a little higher peeps. Simultaneously it is already DONE but we also keep making it happen as we walk our path. It’s bothand. 

Remember, this is all about Divine Timing, which is Divine Frequency Alignment, it’s not about linear time! 

We gotta transcend that time thing if we want to transcend 3/4D. Drop into TIMELESSNESS. Into NO-TIME, where Multidimensional access becomes accessible.

The effects of this Collective clean up may show up as negative entities trying to attack or get to you by working through people around and close to you. 

Our personal life’s are a reflection of that, and ALL REALITIES ARE MERGING INTO ONE. 

The invisible is becoming visible. 

Everything is becoming very clear and obvious. 

Nothing can hide any longer. 

It’s important that you hold strong yet loving and compassionate boundaries with those around you and let people know when they overstepped them. 

We are the Collective Exorcists, so know your power and know that you are their way back to Source. It’s like moths to a flame. Just don’t let them trigger and feed off your energy (aka don’t fall for the old tricks and gaslighting) and stay in a neutral Observer state, whilst sending them back into the light, standing firm in Divine Love. 

We can all do this, it’s time to remember! 

Mostly, it’s a Frequency we embody in all areas of our life. 

To not feed into or be dragged into any drama for example, that will trigger loosh (negative energy such as anger, fear, pain etc) and keep feeding the vampires.


Alchemize, master and command every situation! Usually we are asked to be the more conscious person within our interactions, leading and showing the way.

So even if you have a good friend that may be going through some tough times, be careful not to fall for old tricks and traps and to not feed into any codependent and narcissistic patterns and programs. To not enable bad and harmful behaviors. 

The saying ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ comes to mind. So even if you think you’re doing someone a favor digging them out of a difficult situation, be careful you’re not tampering with something  they have to resolve themselves. You’re just delaying their lesson and wasting your own energy.

Be mindful how you are guided to assist others, when not to intervene/ interfere, and keep a healthy balance. 

If we want to BE SOVEREIGN, we have to act in alignment with that and stop playing these games, NOW WE KNOW BETTER 

Self love, feeling worthy and enough, being confident, having firm boundaries and good discernment, are THE key lessons for us to master!

A big part of this is that we will only let people walk all over us, take advantage, lie, use and manipulate us when we somewhere deep down believe that’s what we deserve. 

Or rather that we don’t deserve better. So basically we are not worthy. That others are more important than we are and our own happiness. This goes deep. 

When we keep putting other people’s needs before our own or keep enabling people, it serves none and keeps breeding co-dependent relationships and interaction’s where everyone keeps feeding off each others energy. 

We got to stop this now, once and for all. 

ALL types of parasites are only able to feed off us when we give our power away! Got it 

So claiming and KNOWing our worth, how valuable we are and how important we and our missions is, how powerful we truly are, having full Confidence in ourselves, and are FULL OF LOVE for Self, is what flips the poles here! 

Also when we truly and fully love ourselves, we automatically extent this out to all of life everywhere! It’s ONE and the same.


When we no longer feed the vampires and black hole systems, they starve and dissolve, and we can use the energy for new co-creations that nourish our and others Hearts and Souls. 

The false Matrix and black hole System collapse/ dissolution is happening simultaneously and inter-connected as we trigger it into completion by doing our part. 

We’re also aligning and merging with our Higher Identities THROUGH this, our Multidimensional Aspects that are part of the Collective clean up, which some of us are consciously aware of, others not. 

It all comes down to becoming Super-Conscious of all we do, of how we manage our energy and maintain a sovereign energetic field

We stop the feeding frenzy and return to perpetual God Source back flow return, which is a self sustaining energetic flow between us and Source. Not to mention that our level of self worth and love is super important and inter-connected with the levels of Abundance we are able to accept and receive!! 

So buy yourself that gift and treat yourself, because YOU ARE really WORTH IT!

We are now asked to once and for all close, heal and seal all these negative portals and openings in our Auric field to stop feeding people, systems, negative entities and Timelines our sacred life force energy

This is also happening planetary wide, it’s all inter-connected, together Humanity makes up the Planetary Body. 


So it’s even more imperative to have a sovereign energy field which is what we need for New Earth living to work, where we’re inter-dependent, not co-dependent! 

Can you see how it’s all connected?! Because we all need one another but New Earth relationships are based in balanced and equal exchanges of give and take. 

Our individual life streams are really like a micro version of what unfolds at a larger scale. 

So if we want the negative aliens for example to stop feeding off Humanity, then we need to be the living examples of that. Energetically and practically speaking.


And remember, we are talking about firm and clear boundaries, not barbwire. 

Talk to others like you want to be spoken to. We don’t have to shout to make ourSelfs heard, it’s about the FREQUENCY we come from. 

And once you have your worth and boundaries all in check, these vampires won’t come near you no more, although they may test you. So watch for and master those triggers, it’s graduation time but everyone still has to take their own tests.

I see that there is going to be a massive Activation of the Human Heart, Earth’s Crystal Core and Grid System, triggering a pole shift and magnetic flip for the manipulated geomagnetic field to collapse temporarily, and for the New Grid System to come online. 

This will fully dissolve the holographic overlay of the false Matrix, revealing The Organic Creatrix. This is all inter-connected with this final stage of the Collective Awakening, all-ready well underway. 

I am being shown that we are now undergoing a rapid DNA Activation sequence Collectively, which is bringing our Multidimensional Self and true memories and New REALity fully online.

As we remember our true nature again, AtONEment!

So keep the faith, release all remaining FEARS that keep you connected to the old Matrix and work through those remaining triggers and judgements and let that crap you no longer need, GO. Keep going!


Stop believing it all to be real so it can collapse, it’s all fake and artificial!


By standing in full integrity and Embodiment! Any moment now we will see tangible shifts and all new Realities come online

All activated from within us, as our DNA, Plasma Light body’s, memories, and inner Technologies come online. Remember, we keep co-creating this!


I feel over the next few days, around the 24/25th things are going to shift in a very big and tangible way. Maybe even in the blink of an eye. We shall see!


Currently we are transversing Realities, Timelines and Dimensions. We are in a Portal leading us into ALL NEW BEGINNINGS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITY EXPERIENCE!


Stay in childlike awe and wonder, just like one would look forward to CHRISTMAS, wondering what gifts and surprises await.


And keep help making it happen with every word, thought, belief, feeling and action you take!


We are writing the new script in every NOW and our job is to keep being the Rainbow Pillars of Light, Love, Compassion, Peace and a higher Consciousness, that are leading HUmanity through this transition and Multidimensional Portal into a New Reality Experience, whilst not taking any nonsense! 

All through us fully stepping up an into our own Embodiment which is what activates the New Realities and dissolves the false holographic Matrix overlay now.

After all, this is what we came for! 

Let’s get this done!

Eternal Love & Blessings,

Ramona 💙"
