Monday, December 27, 2021

You are here for these times. This is your sacred undertaking, a pilgrimage to Gaia to liberate her and humanity.

" Dear hearts, how far you have come and what you have endured to be here.  You have struggled with the darkness at every turn and have still remained strong and true to your inner knowledge of the Divine essence of Everything.  

Even when you were tired and exhausted, you stayed the course.  Even in your sadness, anger, and disappointment, you remained faithful.  Thank you.  You have demonstrated your mastery.  Never before was there a time of greater need for that mastery.  

It was at this time that you were practicing and mastering your ability to consciously hold your Divine Light and use that Light to shine on everyone you meet.  

You are aware that it is your combined efforts, your increasing light quotient, that has brought about the revelation of the truth.  You are aware that it is your Light that will act as a beacon for those who are scared, confused, and wish to respond in fear.

 You are here for these times.  This is your sacred undertaking, a pilgrimage to Gaia to liberate her and humanity.  

This is the culmination of your work on this level, because the next level will be a higher dimension.  This increased vibration will not require as much effort as you have had to invest up to now. 

Emerging energies will seem to do their job effortlessly compared to what you've had to invest so far.  So know that the good is yet to come, in fact the good is here and emerging.  You walkers are invited to a "sneak peek."  

You are invited to immerse yourself in these energies and start using them now.  Play with them.

 One breath, coupled with the intention to go deeper / higher / truer / wider / clearer (you choose the experience) will help you access these energy currents and aid you in your next relief work.

 Are you here.  You have arrived.  

Let your breath release you and expand you to deeper and deeper levels of expression, renting out reality simply through your divine intention.  

You are the alchemists of all ages, you are now using your divinely given wands using your conscious intention to heal, transform and uplift.  Your divinity is manifesting now.  You have reached your stage, the scene is set, and now you must perform your divinely written part.  Trust that you know the lines, trust that the right actors will walk past you in every scene.  Trust that the ending will be happy.  The script is divine.  You're divine.  The ending is divine.  Trust. "