Friday, January 14, 2022

Mercury Retrograde is a Healing Tool. A way to move toward Consciously Creating your Reality

 Mercury Retrograde is about Cleansing, it is about letting go of all that no longer serves  your highest and best interest. Mercury Retrograde is about removing things from your life gently or not so gently, that you have wished away, even if only on a subconscious level.  Mercury Retrograde is about removing the debri from your life that interferes with the life you really prefer to live, even if it does not look that way. Mercury Retrograde is your Ally. Stay in the Now, as that is, this is Where you Consciously Create Your Reality. Jan. 14 - Feb 4th. Mercury Retrograde. Stay Present in the Moment, as what is out of Alignment will be illuminated. ~ RCC