Friday, January 14, 2022


We can expect INCOMING ENERGIES to remain STRONG and of HIGHER FREQUENCIES on a DAILY basis, this being the significant year 2022.

As we expand in consciousness, so the old world of 3d and 4d simultaneously dissolves.

So whilst we receive more photon light and our own vibration increases, so the photon light affects the structures within both countries, societies, families, relationships and within EVERY individual, where the old order and belief systems become dismantled in the LIGHT of HIGHER and HIGHER and HIGHER truths.

There are many levels to ‘truth’…depending on each one’s perception, which in turn depends on their energetic frequency. Where ultimately, at highest human perception, there is no truth, as NOTHING is defined, it just IS.

However, incoming energies ALWAYS differ daily, in fact hourly, having alternating frequencies, different VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS and different incoming LIGHT CODES to absorb into the cells daily.
There is a LIGHTED DESIGN sequence to 2022 that will play out month by month. It has to unfold. It will take balance, courage and faith and the blessing of being those qualities TO one another, as many will struggle to navigate the worldwide INDIVIDUAL human sense of instability. In a universe of waveform FLOW, expansion and contraction, there is NEVER anything STABLE, only a human personality illusionary experience of ‘stability’. This is what people are now facing and some are struggling with world world. A lack of stability. And it’s a CALLING worldwide, as I explained in a 2021 video from Glastonbury Abbey. It’s INCREASINGLY, a worldwide calling, to turn inward, find Source within you, beside you and around you in every moment.

The ONE stable PRESENCE within all peoples, animals, elements, and all things above and below. If having the human experience of uncertainty, lack of knowing, lack of stability, start with the IN BREATH to YOUR HEART and connect IN, and find the EVER PRESENT PRESENCE…that is of peace that lies within all peoples if they choose it. Nothing within illusion is certain, but a temporary experience, and changing forms. All experiences for the Soul. Let the connection to Source/God/Creator become the ONE everlasting strength and presence you master, that shall keep expanding you more and more.

Tonight’s incoming energies started off extremely blissful, almost ecstasy vibrations, yet the patterns change as I type and it’s now become extremely strong.

We are so blessed to be here and witness this unfolding mass timeline throughout 2022.

And experience our and so many human beings expansion as Light. The more you focus INWARD on YOUR own INNER ENERGETIC CONNECTION, focus on expanding your ENERGY frequency, and focus LESS on the OUTER illusion of any drama/s, the more you will feel PRESENCE…which also feels OF LOVE, peace, balance, harmony and bliss.

As these are just some of the SOUL’S intricate higher vibrations we embody, as we continue to embody our SOUL and our SOUL’S LIGHT, if we choose.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
12 January 2022