Monday, March 21, 2022

" Finding your power in Helpless moments" (Transition Notes)

☀️channeled by Arcturians☀️

At certain times in the human experience a form of energetic release or discharge is required to proceed into the next higher frequency level or range. 

During this discharge the consciousness must step aside and allow the higher self full control of the current situation. 

This process happens naturally in life or death experiences, yet may also be seen reflecting into multiple areas of your life expression. 

One such reflection is addictive patternings. 

When the conscious mind feels overwhelmed and as if they can not overcome the addiction they must release resistance and allow the higher self full control to guide and heal the situation. 

Addiction patterning may include a loss of control emotion, that control emotion is what needs to be released. 

Allowing what is to be in the now moment will allow the higher self to control and heal the physical reality. 

Putting your life in gods hands is another way you can allow the higher self control, for whatever way you choose to allow this manifestation to occur is perfect for the individual. 

Another reflection is trying to use the logical thought process to think a way out of a lower vibration experience and having no solution in the timeline sight. Release of the potentials feels like a discharge of expectations and a emotional expression of allowance shall wash over the individual. Many individuals call upon god during these times as well and that’s ok too for the source frequency is inside each and every one of you, and everything is connected. 

This release may also be activated during breath work meditation, in the safety of your control. After 30 deep breaths, hold the breath.

When the physical body starts to activate fight or flight systems you may consciously call upon the higher self and release any and all attachments to the physical reality. 

Letting go of all attachments to the physical reality is how an individual may activate super human abilities latent in the crystalline Dna strands. 

Fight or flight systems activate these abilities naturally when needed in real world situations. 

Individuals have been know you lift a car during fight or flight activations in order to save a life. Each ability is determined by the now moment and what is needed for the survival of the individual, however this process can also be consciously manifested. 

Life can be full of events that require guidance from the higher self. Communication is key and when an individual steps onto a path of pure love and acceptance of the reality and how it expresses in the now moment, that individual shall allow a super human experience to manifest a very potent magical life before their eyes. 

For all magic is simply science misunderstood, and everything in your reality is directly connected to the heart beating inside of you. Embody the higher self fully for this expression to manifest into your physical reality and allow your love for life to guide and support you during these shifts. 

☀️the Arcturians☀️

Channeled by Danielle Lipton "