Monday, March 21, 2022

"These are the confirmed downloads that I'm picking up. Let me know if any of these resonate with you. "

 "These are the confirmed downloads that I'm picking up. Let me know if any of these resonate with you.  

#1 The Sun is Full of Stars 

#2 The Earth is a Neutron Star at it's core which is purposely exposed to certain gases to form a crust at inception and is then cooled to a great degree. This a scientific process that is known similar to a organically created Dyson Sphere and this will be revealed.

#3 A Planet is a StarSeed much like a plant seed except when you peel it, there's a star in there!

#4 The Earth's neutron Star is conscious and manifests on it's surface as Human Beings or StarSeeds.

#5 The Earth's StarSeed population does include transplants.

#6 The Earth is a birthing device for StarSeed intelligence, consciousness growth and human evolution.

#7 There is warring that goes on in the Earth's lower stages of development which is a cyclical process in the evolution of consciousness. This warring exists in a frequency band that can and will be transcended as each individual or group collective of consciousness ascends.      

#8 The Earth's StarSeed evolutionary process is a tightly controlled and glorious process that results in StarSeed maturity into a fully conscious eternal Sun.

#9 The completion of a fully mature StarSeed Collective is a cyclical event called graduation and results in a global planetary liberation and celebration.

#10 The StarSeed manifestation of human consciousness is the collective dream of the host planet or Star. The events that occur are a simulation and there is no death. The events are meant to condition and train the StarSeed consciousness in it's course of evolution and growth. This knowledge will assist the StarSeeds on earth to relax and create more freely. All is well and as it should be.

#11 There are approximately 7 frequency bands within each dimension. StarSeed graduates are ascending into the next 7 bands where they can create their reality and enjoy their reward. This is considered 5th Dimension.

#12 The StarSeeds are wayshowers for the awakening ones and those asleep in the lower frequency bands and will be fully awakened by all the beautiful energies the StarSeeds create!

#13 Congratulations on making it this far! Happy Creating! Wishing you so much love and peace on earth! "
