Tuesday, April 5, 2022

new level of consciousness flowing

" Infinitely Grateful to be in this lovely space again. The house is reset, grids activated, new level of consciousness flowingπŸ•ŠπŸ’ŽπŸ’›πŸ’ŽπŸ•Š

It usually takes a week to feel *here* after being away. 

I AM holding codes and activations from the last 2 months of travel. Sacred gifts from Mount Shasta, the Redwoods, Mono Lake (lots of new energies released with those Gate-opening quakes), and a new multidimensional unification that is beyond description. 

I AM spending all day in gratitude for the opportunity to serve as I create my big linear wall calendars and task lists for the next 2 months. This is how I keep track of linear time during this rapid transformation.

Coming up quickly:

☀️8 days until the next realm shifting Gateway influx on April 13-19. Check the newsletter on Thursday for details.

☀️38 days to the transformational Crystalline Convergence event in Sedona.

Eclipses, Gatework, event tasks, self-care, meditations, articles, content shares... it all goes on the creation calendar. With plenty of freedom for flow and Presence.

For those feeling that the intensity of expansion might overwhelm their journey:

🌸Simplify as best you can: The Presence is a state of ease and Grace.

🌸Prioritize what supports your journey in this Now. Invest focus, time, money, energy, and freedom codes on whatever you need in this Now.

🌸Don’t underestimate the power of gathering with like-hearted Souls for support, wisdom shares, laughter, and unified creation.

Blessings upon your experience and integration of the new realms of Gaia, and the return of organic unity consciousness πŸ•ŠπŸ’ŽπŸ’›πŸ’ŽπŸ•Š

Because #Ascension

Sandra Walters
