Sunday, April 3, 2022

 They Took Away my Voice 

On their man-made social platforms.

And Replaced it with Dark Lies.

The Truth, however, Clearly Perspective,

Still the Beaming Light I Cling to.

They Cannot Take my Vibration.

The Frequency I Emit is Immortal

And Cannot Be Contained nor Withheld.

They shut down my Voice. They Censored

My Light. They Suppressed the Word. 

And yet the LIGHT still Beams. 

As we Need not their man-made “platforms” 

As we are the Truth that Shines through 

The thickest of their Darkest Mud. 

We communicate through ether, air, light beams, 

plants, breath, eyes, water, fire, Vibration, thoughts, 

energy and LOVE.

We do not need their Monopoly of social networks 

to Hold the Light, to Beam the Truth Vibration 

and Raise the Consciousness. 

We do this within, and this Truth is Not about their Technology. 

As the “tech” in our hearts, in our biofield ( our Torus) is Forevermore and beams out our thoughts, our truths, by our own Focus, our own healing, our inner knowings. 

When we face the Demons within, and stare down the old dark programming, we beam this frequency Out to ALL and do not need the monetization of the Demonic Tech Companies believing they hold the only version of Truth allowed In this Earth Realm.   

We are the Beginning, we are the NOW, and we have no End. 

Our Tech, our social platform is within, is self contained. And is the Glory of the Goddess, the Grace and Creative Power of the Living God and this will not and cannot be censored by the Dark, nor the mankind minions serving its Demonic Purpose. 

We are the Light. 

Censored by Demons or NOT, we BEAM unstoppable Pure Divine White Light, we broadcast Unconditional Love and We indeed Raise the Vibration of Mother Earth and her people, animals, waterways, plants, forests, oceans, and grasslands. No human, No Demon can stop this.

We are the Lightworkers.

We are the Starseeds.