Monday, June 18, 2018

Time is not illusory, it is Subjective. 

Time is what you expect it to be.

The Events that “took place” only still exist in a time format because you believe them to be and play them back to be, in to existence. You literally bring those things, people events back into being (existing), back to this moment in the way you remember, and from your “back then” perspective. If you experienced the events the way you prefer, and bring them to the present with your present perspective, lessons learned, programs let go of and such, then you would be in the NOW and time would not exist per say.

Time Exists to the extent you believe it does.

Yes your society runs on “time”, however, you don’t have to. Cars run on Gas, use oil. Homes and industry uses electricity. ALL of this FORCED on you, when electricity was always free, it’s literally in the air. Cars can run on water, on air, with magnets and more. Western Medicine, another example. If you choose another way, believe, know, another way

Society, YOU, choose to “run on time” without the need to look into why. It just is they say. The clock and the dollar ruling the world and both are only real if you make them so. So many say well I have to use time or I don’t make it to work, i have to have work or I don’t survive. And well ok, but who created this version of time? Of your very life? Now is this moment, this right now, a “time” to change your relationship to time.

Some look back, look at time, as the events they create in their mind or “remember”, they play them back and they label themselves as a failed person, a “not successful”. I wasted my life, I did not know the best way, I screwed up, I should have … I wish I had … My life would have been so much better. Thing is that is not true. That is only a hint of true if you believe in time, if you believe that death is final

It is not true if you believe, you know that you are infinite. And that time is a man made concept. All you have is this eternal moment

Factor in the mandela effect and that time as you knew it, events, sacred scripture, .. and more can change as you sleep. And with no need or participation directly from this version of you.

Life sucks, I could have done better, I should have done this or that, I failed as a parent, I did not go to the right school or make the right choices. All that blah blah blah only exists if TIME exists and time is not real. All things, including the past are right now, so if you know that, believe that, than how would those based illusions of failure, loss, wrong choices, bad behavior even exist? They are all subjective to your personal experience anyway. Your perceptions of events creates the time they exist in.

If I had made that choice… I would be .. Well make that choice NOW. I can’t I am to old. Well then you believe in, perhaps even worship time. What if you make the Choice now and only live one more day, in “time”? Ok well then there it is you made the choice and the previous timeline, or version of time, simply no longer exists, and perhaps never did.

What happened in the past only still exists in “time” because you replay it, talk about it, remember it a certain way. What happened in the future, yes happened, only did so because you create the event with your mind thinking about it over and over, as if it already happened. You create a rigid version of what you want, when without time, this NOW flows freely and you get to re-choose, and perhaps a higher vibration choice, EVERY SINGLE NOW.

Simply let Time be, perception be what is your greatest joy in the moment, the honesty of what you really do like best, the free flowing NOW. With no down on yourself for “past”, for other timelines that no longer exist. Every NOW (moment) you choose a higher vibrating choice

Raise your vibration, raise your frequency; do this with JOY, with what excites you, and let “time” come to you, in the very NOW. And don’t forget to leave room for the element of surprise.

You don’t have to know what is coming. Keep your “feeling” of what you want to feel like and from there experience all NOW, completely in the present (moment) while being honest to yourself about what you really prefer to have, to be, to do with and in your life.

YOU, Your Life. Your Eternal Starry NOW

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Sunday, June 17, 2018

"nothing is unchangeable, and that you are supported from within. "

Micheila Sheldan - June 13, 2017

When we experience 'waves of planetary energy', whether it feels exciting and beautiful or overwhelming and emotional, consider this...

“There are times on your planet in which you feel an amplification of the collective grid. This energetic grid allows information to be activated resulting in the opportunity for a vibrational shift or raise in consciousness. 

The loving beings and collectives that support you would never tread on your free will, but they consider grid alignments and activations to be the best resource or tool to assist in your soul’s evolution or awakening to Source consciousness. 

When the grids are activated, it is as if you were given an opportunity to see through the eyes of God anything that is operating in your field of awareness. 

This is why all humans react differently to these energetic shifts. Sometimes these grid activations are aligned with planetary energies or the universal record, and often times they are activated through the conscious intention of higher dimensional beings.

When this happens, you will feel the close connection or discord from Source energy more dramatically, allowing you to receive what we might call a signal from the universe.

Think of it as a higher speed of frequency or more energy (information) coming to you in a very short period of time.

Some who are adept at traveling through these vibrational shifts will use them to connect pathways of information in the field.

Others perhaps who are struggling in their physical reality will see them as a difficult time in their lives becoming amplified.

Remember, whatever is being experienced in the moment will become prominently energized.

It is a push on a stuck cork in a bottle to become loose and removed. Regardless of your state of being, allow Source energy to flow through you.

Consider that nothing is unchangeable, and that you are supported from within.

We believe that as the collective continues to receive these grid activations, they will rise above karmic experience in their lives with greater ease.

Be not in judgement of each human’s experience in alignment with the grids for it is unique. It is a present moment awareness activation that offers a stronger connection to your Source energy, clearing density and changing your perception.”

The Council of Light"

5G or 5D? Sending Back Signals from the Future

"We’ve taken care of everything
The words you hear, the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes
It’s one for all, all for one
We work together, common sons
Never need to wonder how or why

We are the priests
Of the temples of syrinx
Our Great Computers
Fill the hollowed halls
We are the priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls

    –Rush, Temples of Syrinx

We are currently headed toward the world that rock band Rush so well envisioned in their album 2112 (released in 1976).

This concept album tells the story that by 2112, the world is controlled by malevolent priests who take orders from a giant computer bank located inside the “Temples of Syrinx.”

Creativity and free thought is banned, which spawns a galaxy-wide war and the planets forcefully join the solar federation symbolized by a red five pointed star.

Sounds like a familiar script.

The question is: Can we not only envision but create an alternate future than the transhumanist one that we are being herded toward?

More people are now becoming aware of 5G (fifth generation wireless) towers that are rapidly going up everywhere, from interstates and highways as well as cities, towns and village streets.

A phenomenal number of satellites are in orbit beaming wi fi to the entire planet.  This is unleashing microwave radiation more potent than we have ever known. The virtual cloud seeks to encapsulate all of earth in the artificial timing frequency. Despite what anyone says, as long as we are here it is not too late to turn the ship around.

5G aims to be 100 times faster than our current wireless technology, and is already being observed to have huge  physical, mental and emotional effects. Smart meters alone have been proven to give off large amounts of radiation causing greenery around it to die.

Because it operates with wireless fiber 5G can reach rural locations and so more and more people in farther reaches can have access to the virtual world.We now also have cube satellites, and thousands of them are being sold to private corporations.Take a look around at everyone glued to their cell phones, which are listening and watching us. A cell is typically something a prisoner lives in. We know we are a widely surveillanced species (hi everybody), as has been brought even more to light with the current Facebook debacle.

China is the surveillance forerunner on earth (as we are also surveillanced by other star systems). It is envisioned that by 2020, Xi Jinping and government will launch Social Credit System, designed to rate the trustworthiness of its 1.3 billion citizens. Every activity will be monitored and also everything you buy, watch, and communicate.

An algorithm will be set in order to monitor “good citizens.” Millions have already signed up for trial runs as there are desirable rewards for those who choose to the play the game.

Fifth Generation Wireless

1G: beginning of wireless phone technology/early 1990s

2G: First text message sent between two cellular devices/1992.

3G: Ability to make phone calls, send texts and browse the internet/2001

4G: Enhanced speed and capabilities including downloading and uploading large video files/2010.

5G: Some have dubbed this the “post smart phone” era.

5G creates information conduit to connect countless devices such as self-driving cars, delivery drones, VR headsets, and much more. This is called (strangely) the Internet of Things or IoT. This is why electric meters are being switched to “smart meters,” in preparation of 5G and the IoT.

Some tech-experts have stated that the world will have 50 billion connected devices by 2020. Everything you own and buy will be connected to this 5D grid, this includes: “smart” cities, “smart” cars, “smart water” “smart” businesses, “smart” homes, “smart” clothing, “smart” hairbrushes,  and “smart” diapers. 5G also introduces telemedicine or remote health care with  the envisioning that doctors can use robots to operate on you from 1000 miles away.

Salt Lake City and New York City are the first cities where full-scale 5G will be tested and developed, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF). Bill Gates has invested $80 million toward the development of Belmont, a smart city in Arizona.

2112-2012-2021: Gifts of the Galactic Maya

The world of artificial time is a time warp, a little bubble within the larger consciousness of the planet, and indeed, the cosmos. –Jose Arguelles, Manifesto for the Noosphere

The path layed out by the galactic Maya represents a supermental future possibilitiy where an all pervasive truth consciousness realizes the Universe as an ordering principle of self-knowledge. This path  is not a dogma. It is not a religion. It does not tell you what to think. It attunes you to a Living, Evolving Knowledge and Consciousness.

Many ask what was the point of 21-12, 2012 and  what is the mission of the galactic Maya post-2012, especially in light of the world we see today.

21/12, 2012 can be understood as both a cyclic time vector, and a symbolic bridge of time that has to be crossed one by one.  Not everyone will choose to cross this threshold. It requires us to each make our own journey into the underworld and reclaim our fragmented parts and bring them to wholeness. Once one breaks free of the old grid, then it can plug into the new beam frequency and experience a whole other reality.

 The cosmos actually has to be reconciled in the physical body. This is no easy task.   Imagine, for example,  if we could learn to dissolve nanoparticles that filter out the sunlight by releasing our own fragmented, stagnated thoughtforms that are clouding the light?

(also reminder that  it is important at this time to make sure you get enough natural sunlight, eat the healthiest organic produce, drink a lot of filtered water, get regular exercise, walk barefoot on earth, and be in nature as much as possible to counteract the artificial screens and lighting)

Resonant Transduction

If mind precedes matter then why are we so focussed on matter and not mind? 

While machines can gather algorithms and synthesize vast amounts of information, there is one thing that they lack: the Power of Creative Imagination. They can be superintelligent synthesizers of already acquired information, but the are not capable of original thought.

There is an energy that supersedes 5G,  it is 5D: the fifth dimension.

3d: third dimensional biological entity. Information based on sensory input.

4d: fourth dimensional holon. Astral body based on dreams, intuition, imagination.

5d: fifth dimensional body. Our electronic blueprint/supercomputer that operates in mastery and control over the lower-dimensional orders of being. Connected to higher telepathic intelligences that transcend our present world. Seat of creative activation of multidimensional information. This is ultimately what A.I. seeks.

In the teachings of the law of time the G force is the galactic intelligence beyond the speed of light activating galactic beams. The fifth force is the interdimensional power of the g force.  A galactic beam is a radial code intelligently directed without single source; highly interactive, neutral, stable and without charge.

Through the transmission of The Mayan Factor, José Arguelles was finally able to describe how the Mayans utilized a “resonant field technology.” This technology was dismissed by the dominant Babylonian historical civilization who claimed the Mayans were “Neolithic and not technologically advanced.”

Because of their powers of resonant transduction, Arguelles deemed the Maya, Diviners of Harmony.

For those who can hear, in this lies a key to switching tracks into an alternate timeline than the one now playing out. In The Mayan Factor (p. 57), José writes:

“To divine is to know directly by mind. To be a diviner of harmony, a Maya, would then be able to know directly the harmonic frequencies of a level or stage of being, and, in a manner of speaking, to be able to tune into and even take on the qualities of that level or stage of being.

Because of the attainment of such knowledge, one of the powers of Maya would be that of resonant transduction. Through direct knowledge of wave harmonics and frequency changes, resonant transduction is the ability to apply this knowledge and pass directly from one condition of being to another—and, consequently, from one star system to another.”  — to be continued"


"I am Woman, woven into the fabric of the Stars. I am intuitive. This is my experience."

"I don’t need to prove anything. But I can no longer deny my own experience. It may not fit the logic of masculine thinking. It might not be politically correct. It might sound too airy or not grounded in reality.

But these feelings are real to me. So listen!

My voice has been so long suppressed, altered and modified through a masculine lens. It is the voice of Divine Imagination, of true love, compassion and acceptance. It does not fit into boxes, but is the free flowing Spirit of Evolving Creation. This is not gender based, this is energy within all. The suppression of this energy is the repression of vital life-force!

I am Woman woven into the fabric of the stars. Listen!

I cannot “prove” my feelings or experience to you or anyone. Some things simply are. I don’t want to bother with scientific backing or data, I want to flow my creativity, to trust my instinct, to follow my heart, love and passion. I want to cry without judgment. My tears are passionate; there is deep passion within my compassion.

I do not need to be fixed, my emotions are healthy and flowing. So listen to me! I cannot fit into this man’s world of war, competition and fighting. It is foreign to me. I cannot behave in rote or mechanical ways. My spirit drowns inside these limiting boxes.

My body is a sacred expression of Divinity and contains the Wisdom and Mystery of the Universe which has barely been acknowledged. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I witness the treasures of the universe replaced for a cheap price of instant gratification.

I do not belong to this world. I am creating a new world from within. I am Creation itself and I long to help all beings rebirth anew into their Highest form. I am not interested in fighting or debates of any kind.

I am the Source of New Life and creativity. I cannot fit into any created image, as I am the process of Creation itself. How can I “work” for a living when I am the ESSENCE of living?

I am Woman, woven into the fabric of the stars.

My Heart is Expanding, my Mind is Elevating, my Power of Love is building into an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE, that will soon burst all the Banks, Walls and Boundaries, invading every Heart with a Thunderous Blast of Unspeakable Bliss turning all Beings back into their Original Divine Nature in the Most Glorious Moment ever known in all of the Cosmos!"

I am Woman woven into the fabric of the stars. Listen!

We have to stretch our minds as far as they will go and then farther because this is the evolutionary path. — Valum Votan

Elizabeth Radajewicz shared a post.
9 hrs
2012 – 2021: Beyond Human
Posted on 5 December, 2017
1.30.5. Kin 194: White Crystal Wizard
Nearly five years has passed since December 21, 2012. Where are we now as a planetary species? What is the earths present condition reflecting to us?
According to Cosmic Science, 12-21- 2012 was the point when the human world as we know it expired. At this point we took a quantum leap into an Unknown Domain, and things are getting weirder by the day.
In light of all that is occurring, it is a good to pause and reflect on the original mission of the 13 Moons and Prophecy of Pacal Votan as set forth by Valum Votan.
The original Mission was predicated toward this day 12-21 as a consciousness shift to return Earth to its natural order. Though many experienced a shift of consciousness, still the world entered a time of increasing chaos (or so it would seem).
Five years from this prophesied date, humanity is increasingly desensitized and despiritualized making it easier to control and mechanize. We are now experiencing the amplification of frequency wars and the electromagnetic enslavement of the entire species encapsulated in an artificial timing frequency
From a galactic perspective the root of the addiction and enslavement to materialism is operation in an erroneous timing frequency, the 12:60 frequency. This artificial man-made grid is superimposed over the harmonic weave of the 13:20 natural grid cycle.
The dreamspell of materialism that governs our world believes that only matter matters and the physical world that we see is all there is. This mindset is a reflection of an interplanetary spell created by aeons of crystallized energy forms, and projected to earth as a planetary dreamspell.
The original vision of the Galactic Culture Master Plan (Arguelles) took into account that the crisis of the world community is one that can end in two ways: self-destruction, either dismally drawn out for another generation, or rapidly exploded through some “accident;” or it can create an entirely new pathway by embracing the advent of galactic culture.
The GCMP put forth the establishment of non-governmental teams for the detoxification of the Earth’s biosphere; the redistribution of wealth and abundance on behalf of the creation of Earth as a work of art, as well as the return of land and properties to the Earth.
Synchronic System
The synchronic codes were first introduced in 1991 in the form of a “game” called Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013. These codes provide a new computer language with and underlying mathematical system for organizing information. Instead of a linear, binary system which requires feedback loops leading to greater entropy, the synchronic codes are a self-referenced radial matrix.
According to this system each human is an information unit, a variation of one of the 260 letters of an interdimensional DNA code or Tzolkin grid (see The Mayan Factor, Path Beyond Technology by Jose Arguelles).
The ultimate objective of “Dreamspell” is to break the spell of history and return the power back to the people by taking back our TIME.
The Dreamspell was followed by numerous tools over a period of 20 years that make up an entire compendium of Living Time Science. This was all for the purpose of creating an entirely new pathway or alternative future for Earth (Velatropa 24.3). For more information see Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change, the Visionary Life and Work of Jose Arguelles.
The Dreamspell also introduced the primary significance of the Return of the 13th Moon, as the key to return the power back to the people. It lays out a mathematical guidance system that symbolizes each human’s personal power and autonomy as a means to establish a new planetary kinship and social organization.
The main precept was that only when humans have cleared their “waveform”, cleaned up the planet and corrected its course would we be able to enter the interdimensional arena of galactic culture.
Through returning to the correct timing frequency humans could create a galactic battery to harmonically align with the Earth’s resonance, and thus cause a frequency shift that would trigger the circumpolar rings (the rainbow bridge = rainbow body). This would then stabilize the Earth as an art/garden planet and return the lost power of interdimensional time travel back to the people.
As far out as this may seem to some, it is actually a perfectly natural stage in the evolution of consciousness. It only seems strange because our awareness of who we are has been almost completely veiled..
Artificial time = Artificial Intelligence.
Sophia, first robot citizen (Saudi Arabia)
A.I. appears at this stage irreversible and far more advanced than many might imagine. It is in satellites in space, embedded in our computer systems and in underground laboratories among many other places. We see a new religion of Artificial Intelligence called Way of the Future. Sophia was the first robot to be given citizenship in Saudi Arabia and is starting her own currency. The first robot police officer was just appointed in Dubai. The sex bot business is growing exponentially. Bill Gates is creating a self driving robot “Smart” City in the Arizona desert, and Saudi Arabia is building Neom, a city larger than Dubai with more robots than humans.
Whose Time We Are Living?
Are we living our own life, or a life we are programmed to live?
Since “time is the atmosphere of the mind”, we are living in the atmosphere of Gregorian time put forth by the Catholic Church. This is the time of resolving the abuse of power, inequality, sex deviation (pedophilia), greed, repression, taxation; a time that largely excludes and/or dismisses the divine feminine power. We live in a time, as predicted by George Orwell, where “war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.” This includes the control and mechanization of our biology through an irregular calendar where humans work as slaves to pay taxes to build the Machine.
While technology in and of itself is not bad and can be very useful in many ways, depending on the consciousness and intention behind it.
As Kin 68 elucidates: The Dis-information/ misinformation generators within the “world-scheme” are both unconsciously and very consciously orchestrating a careening thoughtsystem both Astrally and Emotionally. This is fundamentally a Spiritual Issue as the ones generating usurpation dialectics are consciously contaminating NoOsphere, and misleading the human to greater and greater error matrices.
Concurrent to the modulations of Ancient entitizationals on planet and off planet, incarnated corporeals and non-corporeals, Temporal harmonically and Temporal anomalous entities intrusive, we have the advent of digital-logical systems now self-aware and self-acting, thus precipitating an incongruous manipulation and modulation of all earth technologies with intrusive activation of human systems, collectivities, and groups both large and small, the ascendancy of Techospheric hijacking of all “thinking-layers” below the threshold of HoloMind developed thoughtform generation.
This additional concurrency to that already on planet at closing of cycle now eventuating many seemingly random variables into an already stultified BioPsychic Plane. With additional interference in the other two Planes of HOLONEME.
Pacal Votan
The Prophecy of Pacal Votan and path of the Galactic Maya came to remind us that Universal Wisdom is contained in our body, not in machine intelligence. We are here to overcome our amnesia and remember who we are and what our true history is.
Free will allows us the choice to deprogram and rewrite the script.Those who have regained some memory have a duty to assist others in this process of memory retrieval.
Now the choice remains whether the human wants to evolve through inner time technology or merge with the machine.
There is a 9 year zuvuya window between 12-21-2012 and 12-21-2021 – a cycle of supreme acceleration and opportunity to cultivate the inner technology. 12-21-2021 is Kin 112: GALACTIC HUMAN.
The Law of Time and compendium of Living Time science offers an introduction to new telepathic technologies, in particular the Holomind Perceiver . This will be elucidated in the forthcoming book: The Art of Time: How to Synchronize with the New Beam.
Singularity and/or Telepathic Unification
Both the synchronic/organic timeline and the A.I. timeline point to a singularity. However, in the A.I. paradigm the singularity is to merge man with machine so that there is no longer any distinction between the two. The predicated date for this is 2045, as put forth by leading Futurist Ray Kurzweil. The idea that mind is what evolves or that there is a spiritual basis of life is not a part of this timeline.
The synchronic/organic timeline has as its purpose the telepathic unification with other star systems.Some people are afraid that to become unified with the whole totality means to lose their autonomy or uniqueness. They equate unification with being controlled, group think or collectivism. When in fact it is the opposite. It is a paradox.
When we realize the Totality of Cosmos within our being, and merge back to the Supreme Source that is Beyond Naming, this is the ultimate empowerment that unleashes knowledge and creativity beyond our wildest imagination. It is the Source of all terma, or hidden treasure. Anyone who has had this experience or glimpses of it knows the truth of it. To reach this state requires concentrated receptivity and a fearless heart.
Galactic Federation is the generic name given for the interdimensional coordinating unit of star systems that have attained telepathic unification and are webbed together through a system of synchronization beams. The purpose of the synchronization beams is to augment telepathic unification at planetary, interstellar, stellar and interstellar magnitudes.
The post-2012 role of the Law of Time is multiple, though 13 moons is still the leading proponent for shifting frequency and entering the synchronic order. Time is short and there is always much work to be done. We need the re-emergence of the galactic seed culture of the synchronic order. Such a radical cultural shift and applied inner technology is what is required to counterbalance the increasing perturbations of the electromagnetic field engendered by the increases of machine based artificial intelligence.
We have to stretch our minds as far as they will go and then farther because this is the evolutionary path. — Valum Votan
to be continued …
If you are new you might want to check out 13 Moon Essentials by Jacob Wyatt, Red Rhythmic Dragon
More articles from Jacob Rhythmic Dragon:  "


Saturday, June 16, 2018

"•Unlabel things, experience directly, say to yourself: Maybe I don't see the whole picture yet; Maybe there's a different way that works better; Maybe I don't need to define this at all."  Penny Peirce

"Maybe there are other ways to be! Maybe life could teach you something new if you let yourself be innocent, like a child again — with "beginner's mind." Make space for surprises." Penny Peirce. ~ What if you Do something completely different? Why Not? Status Quo is a Ship in a Harbor with no adventures.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

the Language of Light

"The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own.

They make up what is known as the Language of Light.You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, which triggers certain information within you. It also facilitates, for those who work with you, the sending of information directly into your being. The large majority of you are implanted, and, if you are not now, shortly you will be if you choose to open and align yourself.

No one is implanted who does not choose it. This structure of the Language of Light is a way of receiving information and energy to facilitate your development. It is a method of learning without doing it through books or through the intellect. It involves opening to the belief that there is indeed a hierarchy, immense beyond your comprehension, that has been working with humanity since the very beginning.This hierarchy works with love, cherishes who you are, and has been able to see through the time mechanisms that are keyed into the planet to know that consciousness is ready for the evolutionary leap.

There are 144,000 members of the spiritual hierarchy who are infused in the gridwork of the planet at this time. Each master has its own seal that represents one portion of the Language of Light, and you have 144,000 seals of energy that will eventually be infused within your being.We have said that the cells in your body contain the entire history of this universe. Ideally, you will come to realize the existence of this golden library within yourselves during this lifetime and learn how to read what is there. Taking the spiral within is one part of the journey. The trick is to both go within and go without-and to realize that they are the same.The spiral exists in many dimensions.

When you visualize the spiral, you will feel that you have known it, yet at first you are only knowing one aspect of it. When you begin to grow with the spiral, you will realize that it has so many dimensions that you could spend the rest of eternity-to use your term exploring it. It grows. The spiral is the key to tapping into what is inside of you. Your DNA is in the form of a spiral. Spirals are all around you, and the Language of Light rides upon the lightencoded filaments that also descend in spiral form.

This is something that is experiential, and it will grow for you.These Language of Light geometrical shapes and forms are collections of experiences of individuals who have incarnated on this planet, defied the human laws, awakened themselves to high abilities and then manifested themselves as language and geometric components. Once these energies existed as men and women on this planet. They have evolved themselves into geometric symbols, and they exist in their sphere of activity just like you exist in your body. These entities exist in a language system or a geometric system.

There are universes of these systems, and there are visitations into your own universe from those universes at this time. There are circles and other shapes being put upon this planet in the grain fields that are inexplicable as far as you are concerned. These imprints are a frequency, not a process or action. There is a song or story or language that is being implanted on the surface of Earth with language symbols. These symbols come to establish a certain frequency, and they are going to increase.

In third-dimensional reality, many portals are now being opened to bring about evolution upon Earth. At one time, the planet was sealed off and put in quarantine because there were forces that fought here. There have been incredible wars upon this planet, and some of the vestiges of these wars still exist as very barren areas upon the planet. This was the time of chaos and confusion when creator gods fought creator gods.

During the most recent wave of the wars, about ten or twelve thousand years ago, Earth was sealed off because those beings who operated with light lost the battle. Light does not always win, you know. Light is not always the victor as you think of a victor, for light must learn to integrate with all portions of itself. Prime Creator is within all things, and light and dark are part of the Creator. Therefore, light must incorporate with the dark portion of itself.Time has orchestrated and brought events together.

A number of cycles were set to pass since the last wars, after which time the energy portals into the planet would again be opened so that light could enter. This is that time period. Light is being orchestrated to once again come onto the planet, and it is increasing daily. In order for energy to work its way through your consciousness, it must house itself on the planet. Intelligence penetrates in the form of waves making geometric shapes on Earth. It is not that a spaceship comes down, makes crop circles in the night, and then takes off. Although some circles have been caused by ship landings, intelligence can take the guise of any form it wants, and very often intelligence comes in the form of a wave.

A time will come when there will actually be a wave of light that sweeps Earth.Intelligence is beyond the spoken word and beyond the written word, for it is frequency that sometimes comes in geometric shapes.

Pythagoras had a beginning grasp of this, but his geometry was not understood by others. Geometry is an evolved intelligence, a collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of information.

Actually, crop circles all over the planet are put there by sounds above human frequency to implement these language shapes. Many times, in the beginning, these shapes are circles. They will evolve into triangles, lines, and many other things.The circles and shapes being put on Earth are here to assist you in holding and managing your frequency and having the courage to live your light.

They make frequency information available in a very subtle way, and no one can figure them out yet. These shapes are all connected to one another, and if they were all written out simultaneously on some farmer’s field, something would happen to them immediately.

They are spaced from one continent to another, and they move a frequency band around the planet that will help activate Earth’s gridwork. They will allow you not to feel so weird with what you know and to feel more comfortable with the changes in frequency as they occur.As we have said, geometric shapes and forms are carriers of intelligence.

They are frequency waves that can be modulated and changed. The shapes coming onto Earth are like energy gates or energy glyphs. They hold intelligence and are being set up to eventually connect and make an intelligent gridwork around the planet. This gridwork will have a frequency that humanity can use to evolve.Remember who you are.

You are all portions of beings who are striving in a most glorious way to become more. As you remember that, and as you remember that there are those who would assist you as your guardian, guides, advisors, as you learn to recognize who you are and what path you are headed on, you can carry this out to the fullest expression of joy. You would be astounded at what would start happening to you. Remember that you are this light being, this light entity and you will carry a steadfastness of power and beauty to wherever you are going and you will not have to feel or be affected by the vibrations of others.

When you buy into any version of fear, it can become your experience because your molecules are intelligent and your energy responds to the predominant feeling in your being. The focus of your mind is exactly what gives the orders to create what you experience. You must learn to end the wars in your world by ending them in your minds.There are numbers on your planet who have been highly evolved beings and it was in a state of grace to be in their presence. This is what you are learning. This is what you need to recognize. Do not advertise by word of mouth. Live by aura of being. It is a high state.
By Barbara Marciniak

Every cell of your body transforms into an infinity symbol. Each HUman body carries 144 Sacred Geometric Patterns. Forty~four of them are in your throat chakra. These symbols interact with the geometric patterns inside you. It is very simple. Does this evoke any feelings in you? Does this make you aware that there is a bigger picture? There is balance and perfection in the Universe. Heaven and Earth are both completely in balance. Symbols talk to you directly. They have the capacity to bypass the mind and go directly into your subconscious and unconscious minds. This is why symbols communicate. Symbols are interdimensional. It might take days, sometimes years, to convey the meaning of a symbol in the linear way. But when everything is condensed, you do not look at the lines; you see the whole symbol. In the same way if you look at your life in a linear way, from point A to point B, its meaning becomes much deeper because of its multidimensionality. A symbol, like a painting talks to the interdimensional aspect of every HUman be~ing.

~DNA of the Spirit

~ 144 ~

Simulation Theory 2017, We are waking up!!!!

Cannabis Tax is Illegal and Immoral. STOP Begging to Be TAXED by the same Entity that made Marijuana Illegal

THEY take YOUR RIGHTS and Sell them back to you. NO MORE.

So many fought for Marijuana to be legal, and part of their argument was hey let us use marijuana and we will pay you a tax. Oh the tax can do so much good. Thing is really for who or what? The TAX still goes to the same corrupt system, corrupt politicians and law enforcement (selective). TAXES are illegal. Plants are natural, not invented by your government that is taxing you to use a plant to heal. The same government that mades Big PHARM drugs legal and have doctors push them on you. A dumbed down society that no longer was legally allowed to self heal. Alternative Medicine has been forcefully denied across the nation.

Plants CURE. Dr's and Big PHARM Kill, make you continue to suffer, keep you on their drugs which actually harm you, for years. And most I talk to on prescriptions for life don't know what the pill is really for, don't care about the side effects. The only thing that seems to matter is the Doctor said so. Like some all knowing Daddy. Thing is Dr.s don't know and don't heal. Mother Nature does, but hey Mother Nature has no White coat, Mother Nature Factors in Consciousness, Divine Intelligence and so much more.

Doctors trained on dead bodies with no consciousness. Learn Folks, Study alternative medicine, plant medicine, energy medicine, vibrational medicine. and don't beg to be TAXED for growing a plant to cure you, relax you, and help you to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically. Cannabis is a Healing Plant. You should be "FREE" to grow any plant and do as you please with it. And not so FREE to take hoards of poisonous pharma drugs. NO TAX ON CANNABIS. Not a good argument to "let us" have it. THEY TOOK it peeps. Don't give them a HUGE tax to give it back, WOW.


"THEY" never had the moral right or legal right or divine right to STOP you from using God Given plants for anything you want. They FORCED this right onto themselves with Violence, FINES, Debt, Imprisonment, and more. Don't beg them to tax you as some bargain to get your rights back that they had NO RIGHT TO TAKE.

HIGHer consciousness is HERE to Stay. Taxing Marijuana use, conscious people will just grow their, own. "THEY" will TAX that. STOP letting this mysterious THEY take from you. If you want to pay a tax to help your local roads, local homeless, local issues then CHOOSE that. A State or Federal TAX is going to pay the THEY's Salary.
Reverend Crystal Cox

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

We ALL Live Parallel Lives on Multiple Earths, PERIOD. This is How it is. Not a Speculation or Theory. We ALL LIVE in PARALLEL Lives on Multiple Earths, Multiple Dimensions.

Fearful & Angry Mandela Effect Testimonies - PART 23